Quantifyer: Simplifying Data Analysis for Targeted LC/GC-MS


Adam Cseresznye


January 20, 2024

Photo generated by Dall·E 3

Quantifyer is a software application designed to simplify and streamline data analysis for targeted mass-based LC/GC-MS applications. It enables users to quickly and accurately calculate key metrics, such as recovery, correction factor, and concentration values. While originally designed for environmental sciences, Quantifyer’s versatility extends to other fields that utilize mass-based quantitations. The application also generates informative plots that support informed decision-making and expedite turnaround times.


You can access the project’s app through its Streamlit website.


Quantifyer is a software application that simplifies and streamlines data analysis for targeted mass-based LC/GC-MS applications. With its user-friendly interface and automated calculations, Quantifyer eliminates the tedious and error-prone process of performing manual calculations in Excel. This feature not only saves time and effort but also ensures greater precision and reproducibility of data analysis.

In addition to its accuracy and efficiency, Quantifyer offers a comprehensive overview of the entire sample preparation pipeline, providing insights from extraction efficiency and correction factor calculations to final calculated concentrations. This holistic approach enables users to identify potential issues at any stage of the process and quickly pinpoint the source of any discrepancies.

For those who rely on third-party proprietary software for peak integration, Quantifyer serves as a valuable quality control measure. By allowing users to quickly verify their peak integration work, Quantifyer helps detect and correct errors early in the data analysis process, thereby enhancing the quality of their data.

Quantifyer’s extensibility is built upon the strategy pattern using the open–closed principle, enabling the future integration of other quantitation techniques beyond mass-based quantitation, such as concentration-based quantitation. This modular design ensures that the software can adapt to evolving scientific methodologies and meet the needs of users as their research progresses.

In summary, Quantifyer is a valuable tool for researchers who utilize targeted LC/GC-MS data for their work. It simplifies data analysis, improves precision, promotes reproducibility, and provides a comprehensive overview of the sample preparation pipeline. By automating calculations, verifying peak integration, and offering extensibility, Quantifyer empowers scientists to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

How to use the App

  1. Upload your files here.
  2. Select the metrics to calculate.

Get in touch

Did the app help with your research? Any ideas for making it better? Get in touch! I would love to hear from you.