This week’s Tidy Tuesday takes us to The Human Chronome Project, an initiative based at McGill University in Montreal. We’re exploring insights from their paper titled “The global human day in PNAS” and the accompanying dataset on Zenodo.
The publication offers a broad view of our species’ activities, shedding light on how economic activities fit into the grand scheme of life. It also highlights activities with significant potential for change. For a deeper dive into our research methodology and to explore supplementary visualizations, I encourage you to peruse the supplementary materials provided with the publication.
Import data
import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport seaborn as snsimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom scipy import statsimport statsmodels.formula.api as smfimport statsmodels.api as smfrom lets_plot.bistro.qq import qq_plotimport flagfrom PIL import Imagefrom pathlib import Pathfrom lets_plot import*from lets_plot.mapping import as_discreteLetsPlot.setup_html()
While we have four distinct datasets at our disposal, our primary focus will be on two of them. The ‘all_countries’ dataset holds comprehensive information about the time allocated to each activity per region and country, while the ‘country_regions’ dataset provides the essential correspondence between country names and their ISO-2 and ISO-3 abbreviations. Let’s proceed by reading them all in.
Uncertainty combined. Uncertainty is in units variance.
Region code
Region name
Country name
M49 code
Country code in iso2
Country code in iso3
Alternative country name
Alternative country name 1
Alternative country name 2
Alternative country name 3
Alternative country name 4
Alternative country name 5
Alternative country name 6
Other country code 1
Other country code 2
M24 subcategory
Hours per day for all countries
Uncertainty in units variance.
M24 subcategory
Hours per day for all countries.
Uncertainty in units variance.
As in our previous Tidy Tuesday blog, I think we can address the following questions using this dataset: 1. Which regions allocate the most and least time to each subcategory? 2. Which countries exhibit the highest and lowest time allocation for each subcategory? 3. Is there a discernible relationship between time spent on each category and GDP per capita?
Get GDP per capita data from Wikipedia
To prepare for our third question, let’s grab GDP per capita data from Wikipedia. It will come in handy as we dive deeper into our analysis!
# Define a dictionary for country name replacementsnames_to_replace = {"Russia": "Russian Federation","South Korea": "Korea, Republic of","Vietnam": "Viet Nam","Hong Kong": "Hong Kong, China","Iran": "Iran, Islamic Republic of","Venezuela": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of","Tanzania": "Tanzania, United Republic of","DR Congo": "Congo","Palestine": "Occupied Palestinian Territory","Brunei": "Brunei Darussalam","North Korea": "Korea Democratic People's Republic of","Moldova": "Moldova, Republic of","Syria": "Syrian Arab Republic","North Macedonia": "Macedonia the former Yugoslav Republic of","Laos": "Lao People's Democratic Republic","Eswatini": "Swaziland","Curaçao": "Curacao","East Timor": "Timor-Leste","Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and Grenadines","Sint Maarten": "Sint Maarten (Kingdom of the Netherlands)","São Tomé and Príncipe": "Sao Tome and Principe","Micronesia": "Micronesia Federated States of","Macau": "Macau, China",}# Read GDP data from Wikipediagdp = ( pd.read_html("")[2] .pipe(lambda s: s.set_axis("_".join), axis=1)) .loc[ :, ["Country/Territory_Country/Territory","UN region_UN region","United Nations[15]_Estimate", ], ] .rename( columns={"Country/Territory_Country/Territory": "country","UN region_UN region": "UN_region","United Nations[15]_Estimate": "gdp", } ) .assign(country=lambda df: .assign( gdp=lambda df: df.gdp.replace(r"\D+", "", regex=True), iso3=lambda df: country_regions.loc[:, ["alt_country_name", "country_iso3"]] .set_index("alt_country_name") .squeeze() .to_dict() ), ) .query("~iso3.isna()"))gdp
United States
209 rows × 4 columns
After obtaining the GDP per capita data, we’ll integrate it into our main dataset.
Which regions allocate the most and least time to each subcategory?
First, to provide an overview of the prevailing trends, we will begin by examining disparities in time allocation across various subcategories within different regions. Following this, we will delve into a more granular analysis (as part of our second question), considering the data at the country level. As depicted in Figure 1, a noticeable pattern emerges. Typically, the minimum and maximum values for each activity type appear quite similar. However, it gets intriguing when we focus on certain categories like ‘Social,’ ‘Food Growth & Collection,’ ‘Schooling & Research,’ ‘Sleep & Bedrest,’ and ‘Passive.’ In these categories, we observe more significant differences, with gaps ranging from 1.05 to 1.59 hours between the maximum and minimum hours spent.
maximum_values = ( df.groupby(["region_code", "Subcategory"]) .mean(numeric_only=True) .reset_index() .groupby(["Subcategory"]) .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False, by="hoursPerDayCombined").head(1)) .reset_index(drop=True)[["region_code", "Subcategory", "hoursPerDayCombined"]])minimum_values = ( df.groupby(["region_code", "Subcategory"]) .mean(numeric_only=True) .reset_index() .groupby(["Subcategory"]) .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=True, by="hoursPerDayCombined").head(1)) .reset_index(drop=True)[["region_code", "Subcategory", "hoursPerDayCombined"]])# Concatenate the maximum and minimum recordsconcatenated_records = pd.concat([maximum_values, minimum_values], axis=0).reset_index( drop=True)# Assign flags, country names, and format subcategory names( concatenated_records.assign( Subcategory=lambda df: df.Subcategory.str.replace("_", " "), group=lambda df: df.region_code.mask( df.region_code.str.contains("EU"), True ).mask(~df.region_code.str.contains("EU"), False), ).pipe(lambda df: ggplot( df, aes("hoursPerDayCombined", as_discrete("Subcategory", order=1, order_by="hoursPerDayCombined"), ), )+ geom_point(aes(color="group"), size=5, alpha=0.5, show_legend=False)+ geom_text( aes(label="region_code"), position=position_nudge(y=0.25, x=-0), size=5, na_text="", angle=15, color="#2b8cbe", tooltips=layer_tooltips( ["Subcategory", "region_code", "hoursPerDayCombined"] ), )+ labs( title="Regions with the Most and Least Time Spent on Each Subcategory", # Title subtitle="""Abbreviations: EU = Europe, AF = Africa, AS = Asia, AM = Americas, ANZ = Australia and New Zealand E = East, W = West, N = North, S = South, C = Central, M = Middle Values from Europe are highlighted in green. """, # Subtitle x="Mean Hours per day combined per Region", y="", # Y-axis label caption="", # Caption with the source DOI )+ theme( plot_subtitle=element_text( size=12, face="italic" ), # Customize subtitle appearance plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold"), # Customize title appearance )+ scale_x_continuous( trans="log10", limits=[0.001, 24] ) # Set limits for the x-axis+ ggsize(800, 600) # Set the plot size ))
Figure 1: Regions with the Most and Least Time Spent on Each Subcategory
Which countries allocate the most and least time to each subcategory?
As depicted in Figure 2 below, on average, the most significant time allocation is dedicated to Sleep and Bedrest, followed by Passive, Interactive, and Social Activities, as well as Activities Centered on Eating and Drinking, including Associated Socializing. While drawing definitive conclusions from this figure may be challenging, Japan stands out as a unique case. They allocate the least amount of time to Sleep and Bedrest while devoting the most time to Passive Activities and Hygiene and Grooming—an interesting observation.
# Calculate the maximum values for each subcategorymaximum_values = ( df.groupby(["Subcategory"]) .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False, by="hoursPerDayCombined").head(1))[ ["country_iso3", "Subcategory", "hoursPerDayCombined"] ] .reset_index(drop=True) .assign( iso2=lambda df: country_regions.set_index("country_iso3").country_iso2.squeeze().to_dict() ) ))# Calculate the minimum values for each subcategoryminimum_values = ( df.groupby(["Subcategory"]) .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=True, by="hoursPerDayCombined").head(1))[ ["country_iso3", "Subcategory", "hoursPerDayCombined"] ] .reset_index(drop=True) .assign( iso2=lambda df: country_regions.set_index("country_iso3").country_iso2.squeeze().to_dict() ) ))# Concatenate the maximum and minimum recordsconcatenated_records = pd.concat([maximum_values, minimum_values], axis=0).reset_index( drop=True)# Assign flags, country names, and format subcategory names( concatenated_records.assign( flag=lambda df: df.iso2.apply(flag.flag), name=lambda df: country_regions.set_index("country_iso3").country_name.squeeze().to_dict() ), Subcategory=lambda df: df.Subcategory.str.replace("_", " "), ).pipe(lambda df: ggplot( df, aes("hoursPerDayCombined", as_discrete("Subcategory", order=1, order_by="hoursPerDayCombined"), ), )+ geom_point(size=5, alpha=0.25)+ geom_text( aes(label="flag"), position=position_nudge(y=0.5, x=-0), size=8, na_text="", angle=15, color="#2b8cbe", tooltips=layer_tooltips(["Subcategory", "name", "hoursPerDayCombined"]), )+ labs( title="Countries with the Most and Least Time Spent on Each Subcategory", # Title subtitle="""On average, the highest time allocation is for Sleep and Bedrest, followed by Passive, Interactive, and Social Activities, and Activities Centered on Eating and Drinking, including Associated Socializing""", # Subtitle x="Hours per day combined for the country", y="", # Y-axis label caption="", # Caption with the source DOI )+ theme( plot_subtitle=element_text( size=12, face="italic" ), # Customize subtitle appearance plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold"), # Customize title appearance )+ scale_x_continuous(limits=[0, 11]) # Set limits for the x-axis+ ggsize(800, 600) # Set the plot size ))
Figure 2: Countries with the Most and Least Time Spent on Each Subcategory
Is there a discernible relationship between time spent on each category and GDP per capita?
Now, let’s make the most of our ‘gdp_per_population_log’ column. Please note that I’m not an economics expert, and our goal here is to identify intriguing trends without delving too deeply into interpretation. For a comprehensive understanding of the dataset, I recommend referring to the original publication.
Let’s begin by examining the broader trends. We aim to identify activities that appear to exhibit a noteworthy correlation with GDP per population, bearing in mind that GDP per population is log-transformed for our analysis. As evident from Figure 3, we’ve come across some intriguing, and perhaps not entirely surprising, observations. For instance, the data hints at a negative relationship between the hours per day spent on schooling and research and GDP per capita. This finding might raise eyebrows, as conventional wisdom often suggests that higher education leads to increased economic output. However, it’s worth considering that spending too much time in the educational system could potentially limit one’s participation in economic production compared to individuals with lower levels of education. It’s a thought-provoking discovery, and while it may challenge some assumptions, it certainly adds depth to our understanding of the data.
( df.assign(Subcategory=lambda df: df.Subcategory.str.replace("_", " ")).pipe(lambda df: ggplot(df, aes("hoursPerDayCombined", "gdp_per_population_log"))+ geom_point(alpha=0.5)+ geom_smooth()+ facet_wrap("Subcategory", scales="free")+ labs( title="Relationship between Hours per Day Combined and Log(GDP per Population)", # Title subtitle="""Activities vs. GDP per Capita at the country scale. Each circle on the chart represents the population-average time spent per day for an individual country.""", x="Hours per day combined", y="log(GDP per population)", # Y-axis label caption="", # Caption with the source DOI )+ theme( plot_subtitle=element_text( size=12, face="italic" ), # Customize subtitle appearance plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold"), # Customize title appearance )+ ggsize(800, 800) # Set the plot size ))
Figure 3: Relationship between Hours per Day Combined and Log(GDP per Population)
To further explore the connection between ‘gdp_per_population_log’ and ‘hoursPerDayCombined,’ we can utilize the statsmodels library to execute an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis. This method enables us to compute the β coefficients, in addition to establishing upper and lower confidence intervals, as well as deriving the associated p-values. To streamline this process, we’ll simplify our workflow by creating a function called get_linear_regression_table. This function will initially filter the data based on the unique subcategory of interest and subsequently apply the formula: {outcome_variable} ~ {independent_variable}.
def get_linear_regression_table( data, outcome_variable, independent_variable, category, covariate):""" Calculate linear regression coefficients, confidence intervals, and p-values for each unique category or subcategory within the specified category column. Parameters: - data (pandas.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing the data. - outcome_variable (str): The name of the dependent variable. - independent_variable (str): The name of the independent variable. - category (str): The column name specifying the category or subcategory for grouping. Should be either 'Category' or 'Subcategory'. - covariate (str or None): The name of the covariate variable to include in the regression model. Set to None if no covariate is needed. Returns: - results (pandas.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the results of linear regression analysis for each unique category or subcategory. Columns include: - 'unique_subcategory': The unique category or subcategory. - 'β': The coefficient for the independent_variable in the regression model. - 'Lower CI': The lower confidence interval for the coefficient. - 'Upper CI': The upper confidence interval for the coefficient. - 'p_value': The p-value for the coefficient. Example usage: >>> results = get_linear_regression_table(data, 'OutcomeVar', 'IndependentVar', 'Category', 'CovariateVar') """ results_list = []if category =="Subcategory": cat ="Subcategory" unique_categories = data[cat].unique().tolist()else: cat ="Category" unique_categories = data[cat].unique().tolist()for unique_category in unique_categories: temp_df = data.loc[lambda df: df[cat] == unique_category, :]if covariate isnotNone:# Fit the linear regression model with covariate reg = smf.ols(f"{outcome_variable} ~ {covariate} + {independent_variable}", data=temp_df, ).fit(disp=0)else:# Fit the linear regression model without covariate reg = smf.ols(f"{outcome_variable} ~ {independent_variable}", data=temp_df ).fit(disp=0)# Get the regression coefficients, confidence intervals, and p-values beta = reg.params[-1] lower_CI = reg.conf_int()[0][-1] upper_CI = reg.conf_int()[1][-1] pvalue = reg.pvalues[-1]# Append the results to the list as a dictionary results_list.append( {"unique_subcategory": unique_category,"β": beta,"Lower CI": lower_CI,"Upper CI": upper_CI,"p_value": pvalue, } )# Convert the list of dictionaries into a DataFrame results = pd.DataFrame(results_list)return results
According to our linear regression analysis, it appears that activities like Materials (involving the extraction of substances for various purposes), Food Processing (which includes food transformation and preservation), and Food Growth & Collection (encompassing activities related to edible organic matter) exhibit the most pronounced negative relationships with GDP per capita. Specifically, the β coefficients for these activities are -6.21, -2.86, and -1.03, respectively, with all associated p-values falling below the 0.05 threshold.
Conversely, we observe the most robust positive relationships with GDP per capita in the case of Active Recreation (involving activities with elevated metabolic activity), Infrastructure (associated with the construction and maintenance of transportation and communication structures), and Waste Management (pertaining to the handling of waste and by-products outside of inhabited areas). These activities exhibit β coefficients of 2.1, 12.17, and 25.17, respectively, with all corresponding p-values falling below the 0.05 significance level.
Although the existing analysis provides valuable insights, we can enhance our understanding further by building a model that considers both regions and different subcategories simultaneously. To achieve this, we’ll re-run our regression model with ‘gdp_per_population_log’ as the outcome variable and ‘hoursPerDayCombined’ as the independent variable. The ‘region_code’ will serve as a categorical variable, with Western Europe set as the reference level. Additionally, ‘Subcategory’ will also be treated as a categorical variable, with ‘Passive Activities’ chosen as the reference level. This approach will help us determine whether the hours spent on various activities exhibit any discernible relationship with GDP per capita.
As evident from the table below, none of the coefficients associated with the various subcategories showed significant differences compared to zero. This suggests that these subcategories do not exert a substantial effect on ‘gdp_per_population_log.’ Additionally, the β coefficient for ‘hoursPerDayCombined’ was also not statistically distinct from zero.
Conversely, when considering the impact of regions, we observe a substantial influence on the correlation. Most regions exhibit negative coefficients in comparison to Western Europe. The exceptions to this trend are North America, New Zealand, and Australia, where the corresponding p-values exceeded 0.05. These findings suggest that the region indeed plays a significant role in the correlation with ‘gdp_per_population_log.’
Next, we’ll perform some diagnostic procedures for our regression model. These diagnostics will serve the purpose of evaluating how well our model aligns with its underlying assumptions. This step is crucial for ensuring the reliability and validity of our regression analysis.
As depicted in Figure 4, our residuals exhibit a relatively normal distribution. While there are a few data points that may have contributed to some erroneous predictions, we have opted to maintain the current state of the analysis as the results appear reasonable.
# Create a histogram plot of residualshist_plot = res.resid.to_frame(name="residuals").pipe(lambda df: ggplot(df, aes("residuals"))+ geom_histogram(bins=15)+ labs( title="Histogram of Residuals", )+ theme(plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold")))# Create a residuals plotresiduals_plot = ( res.resid.to_frame(name="residuals") .reset_index() # Reset the index for plotting .pipe(lambda df: ggplot(df, aes("index", "residuals"))+ geom_point(size=5, alpha=0.05) # Plot residuals as points+ labs( title="Residuals", # Title for the residuals plot )+ theme( plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold") # Customize title appearance ) ))# Create a Q-Q plot of residualsqqplot = res.resid.to_frame(name="residuals").pipe(lambda df: qq_plot(data=df, sample="residuals", size=5, alpha=0.05)+ labs( title="Q-Q Plot", )+ theme(plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold")))# Create a fit plot comparing predicted values and log(GDP per population)fit_plot = ( pd.concat([res.fittedvalues, df.gdp_per_population_log], axis=1) .rename( columns={0: "Predicted value","gdp_per_population_log": "log(GDP per population)", } ) .pipe(lambda df: ggplot(df, aes("Predicted value", "log(GDP per population)"))+ geom_point(size=5, alpha=0.05)+ labs( title="Fit Plot", )+ theme(plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold"))+ geom_abline(slope=1, size=1, linetype="dashed", color="red") ))# Combine the three plots into a grid with two columns(gggrid([hist_plot, residuals_plot, qqplot, fit_plot], ncol=2) + ggsize(800, 600))
Figure 4: Regression diagnostic
And there you have it, folks! We hope you’ve found this week’s exploration insightful. Happy coding to all, and I look forward to seeing you next week for more exciting discoveries and learning opportunities. Until then, stay curious and keep exploring! 👩💻👨💻
Source Code
---title: 'Tidy Tuesday: The Global Human Day'author: Adam Cseresznyedate: '2023-09-11'categories: - Tidy Tuesdayjupyter: python3toc: trueformat: html: code-fold: true code-tools: true---{fig-align="center" width=50%}This week's [Tidy Tuesday]( takes us to [The Human Chronome Project](, an initiative based at McGill University in Montreal. We're exploring insights from their paper titled "The global human day in PNAS" and the accompanying dataset on [Zenodo]( publication offers a broad view of our species' activities, shedding light on how economic activities fit into the grand scheme of life. It also highlights activities with significant potential for change. For a deeper dive into our research methodology and to explore supplementary visualizations, I encourage you to peruse the supplementary materials provided with the publication.# Import data```{python}#| tags: []import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport seaborn as snsimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom scipy import statsimport statsmodels.formula.api as smfimport statsmodels.api as smfrom lets_plot.bistro.qq import qq_plotimport flagfrom PIL import Imagefrom pathlib import Pathfrom lets_plot import*from lets_plot.mapping import as_discreteLetsPlot.setup_html()```While we have four distinct datasets at our disposal, our primary focus will be on two of them. The 'all_countries' dataset holds comprehensive information about the time allocated to each activity per region and country, while the 'country_regions' dataset provides the essential correspondence between country names and their ISO-2 and ISO-3 abbreviations. Let's proceed by reading them all in.```{python}#| tags: []all_countries = pd.read_csv("")country_regions = pd.read_csv("")global_human_day = pd.read_csv("")global_economic_activity = pd.read_csv("")```# Data dictionariesHere are the corresponding data dictionaries:### Data Dictionary`all_countries.csv`|variable |class |description ||:-------------------|:---------|:-------------------||Category |character |M24 categories ||Subcategory |character |M24 subcategories ||country_iso3 |character |Country code in iso3 ||region_code |character |Region code ||population |double |Population ||hoursPerDayCombined |double |Hours per day combined for the country ||uncertaintyCombined |double |Uncertainty combined. Uncertainty is in units variance. |`country_regions.csv`|variable |class |description ||:-----------------|:---------|:-----------------||region_code |character |Region code ||region_name |character |Region name ||country_name |character |Country name ||M49_code |double |M49 code ||country_iso2 |character |Country code in iso2 ||country_iso3 |character |Country code in iso3 ||alt_country_name |character |Alternative country name ||alt_country_name1 |character |Alternative country name 1 ||alt_country_name2 |character |Alternative country name 2 ||alt_country_name3 |character |Alternative country name 3 ||alt_country_name4 |character |Alternative country name 4 ||alt_country_name5 |character |Alternative country name 5 ||alt_country_name6 |character |Alternative country name 6 ||other_code1 |character |Other country code 1 ||other_code2 |character |Other country code 2 |`global_human_day.csv`|variable |class |description ||:-----------|:---------|:-----------||Subcategory |character |M24 subcategory ||hoursPerDay |double |Hours per day for all countries ||uncertainty |double |Uncertainty in units variance. |`global_economic_activity.csv`|variable |class |description ||:-----------|:---------|:-----------||Subcategory |character |M24 subcategory ||hoursPerDay |double |Hours per day for all countries. ||uncertainty |double |Uncertainty in units variance. |As in our previous Tidy Tuesday blog, I think we can address the following questions using this dataset:1. Which regions allocate the most and least time to each subcategory?2. Which countries exhibit the highest and lowest time allocation for each subcategory?3. Is there a discernible relationship between time spent on each category and GDP per capita?# Get GDP per capita data from WikipediaTo prepare for our third question, let's grab [GDP per capita]( data from Wikipedia. It will come in handy as we dive deeper into our analysis! ```{python}#| tags: []# Define a dictionary for country name replacementsnames_to_replace = {"Russia": "Russian Federation","South Korea": "Korea, Republic of","Vietnam": "Viet Nam","Hong Kong": "Hong Kong, China","Iran": "Iran, Islamic Republic of","Venezuela": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of","Tanzania": "Tanzania, United Republic of","DR Congo": "Congo","Palestine": "Occupied Palestinian Territory","Brunei": "Brunei Darussalam","North Korea": "Korea Democratic People's Republic of","Moldova": "Moldova, Republic of","Syria": "Syrian Arab Republic","North Macedonia": "Macedonia the former Yugoslav Republic of","Laos": "Lao People's Democratic Republic","Eswatini": "Swaziland","Curaçao": "Curacao","East Timor": "Timor-Leste","Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and Grenadines","Sint Maarten": "Sint Maarten (Kingdom of the Netherlands)","São Tomé and Príncipe": "Sao Tome and Principe","Micronesia": "Micronesia Federated States of","Macau": "Macau, China",}# Read GDP data from Wikipediagdp = ( pd.read_html("")[2] .pipe(lambda s: s.set_axis("_".join), axis=1)) .loc[ :, ["Country/Territory_Country/Territory","UN region_UN region","United Nations[15]_Estimate", ], ] .rename( columns={"Country/Territory_Country/Territory": "country","UN region_UN region": "UN_region","United Nations[15]_Estimate": "gdp", } ) .assign(country=lambda df: .assign( gdp=lambda df: df.gdp.replace(r"\D+", "", regex=True), iso3=lambda df: country_regions.loc[:, ["alt_country_name", "country_iso3"]] .set_index("alt_country_name") .squeeze() .to_dict() ), ) .query("~iso3.isna()"))gdp```After obtaining the GDP per capita data, we'll integrate it into our main dataset.```{python}#| tags: []df = ( all_countries.assign( HPD_with_u=lambda df: df.hoursPerDayCombined + df.uncertaintyCombined ) .assign( gdp=lambda df:"iso3").gdp.to_dict()).astype(float ) ) .query("~gdp.isna()") .assign( gdp_per_population=lambda df: df.gdp / df.population.div(1_000_000), gdp_per_population_log=lambda df: np.log10(df.gdp_per_population), Subcategory=lambda df: df.Subcategory.str.replace(" ", "_"), ))df```# Which regions allocate the most and least time to each subcategory?First, to provide an overview of the prevailing trends, we will begin by examining disparities in time allocation across various subcategories within different regions. Following this, we will delve into a more granular analysis (as part of our second question), considering the data at the country level. As depicted in @fig-fig1, a noticeable pattern emerges. Typically, the minimum and maximum values for each activity type appear quite similar. However, it gets intriguing when we focus on certain categories like 'Social,' 'Food Growth & Collection,' 'Schooling & Research,' 'Sleep & Bedrest,' and 'Passive.' In these categories, we observe more significant differences, with gaps ranging from 1.05 to 1.59 hours between the maximum and minimum hours spent. ```{python}#| fig-cap: Regions with the Most and Least Time Spent on Each Subcategory#| label: fig-fig1#| tags: []maximum_values = ( df.groupby(["region_code", "Subcategory"]) .mean(numeric_only=True) .reset_index() .groupby(["Subcategory"]) .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False, by="hoursPerDayCombined").head(1)) .reset_index(drop=True)[["region_code", "Subcategory", "hoursPerDayCombined"]])minimum_values = ( df.groupby(["region_code", "Subcategory"]) .mean(numeric_only=True) .reset_index() .groupby(["Subcategory"]) .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=True, by="hoursPerDayCombined").head(1)) .reset_index(drop=True)[["region_code", "Subcategory", "hoursPerDayCombined"]])# Concatenate the maximum and minimum recordsconcatenated_records = pd.concat([maximum_values, minimum_values], axis=0).reset_index( drop=True)# Assign flags, country names, and format subcategory names( concatenated_records.assign( Subcategory=lambda df: df.Subcategory.str.replace("_", " "), group=lambda df: df.region_code.mask( df.region_code.str.contains("EU"), True ).mask(~df.region_code.str.contains("EU"), False), ).pipe(lambda df: ggplot( df, aes("hoursPerDayCombined", as_discrete("Subcategory", order=1, order_by="hoursPerDayCombined"), ), )+ geom_point(aes(color="group"), size=5, alpha=0.5, show_legend=False)+ geom_text( aes(label="region_code"), position=position_nudge(y=0.25, x=-0), size=5, na_text="", angle=15, color="#2b8cbe", tooltips=layer_tooltips( ["Subcategory", "region_code", "hoursPerDayCombined"] ), )+ labs( title="Regions with the Most and Least Time Spent on Each Subcategory", # Title subtitle="""Abbreviations: EU = Europe, AF = Africa, AS = Asia, AM = Americas, ANZ = Australia and New Zealand E = East, W = West, N = North, S = South, C = Central, M = Middle Values from Europe are highlighted in green. """, # Subtitle x="Mean Hours per day combined per Region", y="", # Y-axis label caption="", # Caption with the source DOI )+ theme( plot_subtitle=element_text( size=12, face="italic" ), # Customize subtitle appearance plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold"), # Customize title appearance )+ scale_x_continuous( trans="log10", limits=[0.001, 24] ) # Set limits for the x-axis+ ggsize(800, 600) # Set the plot size ))```# Which countries allocate the most and least time to each subcategory?As depicted in @fig-fig2 below, on average, the most significant time allocation is dedicated to Sleep and Bedrest, followed by Passive, Interactive, and Social Activities, as well as Activities Centered on Eating and Drinking, including Associated Socializing. While drawing definitive conclusions from this figure may be challenging, Japan stands out as a unique case. They allocate the least amount of time to Sleep and Bedrest while devoting the most time to Passive Activities and Hygiene and Grooming—an interesting observation.```{python}#| fig-cap: Countries with the Most and Least Time Spent on Each Subcategory#| label: fig-fig2#| tags: []# Calculate the maximum values for each subcategorymaximum_values = ( df.groupby(["Subcategory"]) .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False, by="hoursPerDayCombined").head(1))[ ["country_iso3", "Subcategory", "hoursPerDayCombined"] ] .reset_index(drop=True) .assign( iso2=lambda df: country_regions.set_index("country_iso3").country_iso2.squeeze().to_dict() ) ))# Calculate the minimum values for each subcategoryminimum_values = ( df.groupby(["Subcategory"]) .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=True, by="hoursPerDayCombined").head(1))[ ["country_iso3", "Subcategory", "hoursPerDayCombined"] ] .reset_index(drop=True) .assign( iso2=lambda df: country_regions.set_index("country_iso3").country_iso2.squeeze().to_dict() ) ))# Concatenate the maximum and minimum recordsconcatenated_records = pd.concat([maximum_values, minimum_values], axis=0).reset_index( drop=True)# Assign flags, country names, and format subcategory names( concatenated_records.assign( flag=lambda df: df.iso2.apply(flag.flag), name=lambda df: country_regions.set_index("country_iso3").country_name.squeeze().to_dict() ), Subcategory=lambda df: df.Subcategory.str.replace("_", " "), ).pipe(lambda df: ggplot( df, aes("hoursPerDayCombined", as_discrete("Subcategory", order=1, order_by="hoursPerDayCombined"), ), )+ geom_point(size=5, alpha=0.25)+ geom_text( aes(label="flag"), position=position_nudge(y=0.5, x=-0), size=8, na_text="", angle=15, color="#2b8cbe", tooltips=layer_tooltips(["Subcategory", "name", "hoursPerDayCombined"]), )+ labs( title="Countries with the Most and Least Time Spent on Each Subcategory", # Title subtitle="""On average, the highest time allocation is for Sleep and Bedrest, followed by Passive, Interactive, and Social Activities, and Activities Centered on Eating and Drinking, including Associated Socializing""", # Subtitle x="Hours per day combined for the country", y="", # Y-axis label caption="", # Caption with the source DOI )+ theme( plot_subtitle=element_text( size=12, face="italic" ), # Customize subtitle appearance plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold"), # Customize title appearance )+ scale_x_continuous(limits=[0, 11]) # Set limits for the x-axis+ ggsize(800, 600) # Set the plot size ))```# Is there a discernible relationship between time spent on each category and GDP per capita?Now, let's make the most of our 'gdp_per_population_log' column. Please note that I'm not an economics expert, and our goal here is to identify intriguing trends without delving too deeply into interpretation. For a comprehensive understanding of the dataset, I recommend referring to the original publication. Let's begin by examining the broader trends. We aim to identify activities that appear to exhibit a noteworthy correlation with GDP per population, bearing in mind that GDP per population is log-transformed for our analysis. As evident from @fig-fig3, we've come across some intriguing, and perhaps not entirely surprising, observations. For instance, the data hints at a negative relationship between the hours per day spent on schooling and research and GDP per capita. This finding might raise eyebrows, as conventional wisdom often suggests that higher education leads to increased economic output. However, it's worth considering that spending too much time in the educational system could potentially limit one's participation in economic production compared to individuals with lower levels of education. It's a thought-provoking discovery, and while it may challenge some assumptions, it certainly adds depth to our understanding of the data.```{python}#| fig-cap: Relationship between Hours per Day Combined and Log(GDP per Population)#| label: fig-fig3#| tags: []( df.assign(Subcategory=lambda df: df.Subcategory.str.replace("_", " ")).pipe(lambda df: ggplot(df, aes("hoursPerDayCombined", "gdp_per_population_log"))+ geom_point(alpha=0.5)+ geom_smooth()+ facet_wrap("Subcategory", scales="free")+ labs( title="Relationship between Hours per Day Combined and Log(GDP per Population)", # Title subtitle="""Activities vs. GDP per Capita at the country scale. Each circle on the chart represents the population-average time spent per day for an individual country.""", x="Hours per day combined", y="log(GDP per population)", # Y-axis label caption="", # Caption with the source DOI )+ theme( plot_subtitle=element_text( size=12, face="italic" ), # Customize subtitle appearance plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold"), # Customize title appearance )+ ggsize(800, 800) # Set the plot size ))```To further explore the connection between 'gdp_per_population_log' and 'hoursPerDayCombined,' we can utilize the statsmodels library to execute an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis. This method enables us to compute the β coefficients, in addition to establishing upper and lower confidence intervals, as well as deriving the associated p-values. To streamline this process, we'll simplify our workflow by creating a function called `get_linear_regression_table`. This function will initially filter the data based on the unique subcategory of interest and subsequently apply the formula: {outcome_variable} ~ {independent_variable}.```{python}#| tags: []def get_linear_regression_table( data, outcome_variable, independent_variable, category, covariate):""" Calculate linear regression coefficients, confidence intervals, and p-values for each unique category or subcategory within the specified category column. Parameters: - data (pandas.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing the data. - outcome_variable (str): The name of the dependent variable. - independent_variable (str): The name of the independent variable. - category (str): The column name specifying the category or subcategory for grouping. Should be either 'Category' or 'Subcategory'. - covariate (str or None): The name of the covariate variable to include in the regression model. Set to None if no covariate is needed. Returns: - results (pandas.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the results of linear regression analysis for each unique category or subcategory. Columns include: - 'unique_subcategory': The unique category or subcategory. - 'β': The coefficient for the independent_variable in the regression model. - 'Lower CI': The lower confidence interval for the coefficient. - 'Upper CI': The upper confidence interval for the coefficient. - 'p_value': The p-value for the coefficient. Example usage: >>> results = get_linear_regression_table(data, 'OutcomeVar', 'IndependentVar', 'Category', 'CovariateVar') """ results_list = []if category =="Subcategory": cat ="Subcategory" unique_categories = data[cat].unique().tolist()else: cat ="Category" unique_categories = data[cat].unique().tolist()for unique_category in unique_categories: temp_df = data.loc[lambda df: df[cat] == unique_category, :]if covariate isnotNone:# Fit the linear regression model with covariate reg = smf.ols(f"{outcome_variable} ~ {covariate} + {independent_variable}", data=temp_df, ).fit(disp=0)else:# Fit the linear regression model without covariate reg = smf.ols(f"{outcome_variable} ~ {independent_variable}", data=temp_df ).fit(disp=0)# Get the regression coefficients, confidence intervals, and p-values beta = reg.params[-1] lower_CI = reg.conf_int()[0][-1] upper_CI = reg.conf_int()[1][-1] pvalue = reg.pvalues[-1]# Append the results to the list as a dictionary results_list.append( {"unique_subcategory": unique_category,"β": beta,"Lower CI": lower_CI,"Upper CI": upper_CI,"p_value": pvalue, } )# Convert the list of dictionaries into a DataFrame results = pd.DataFrame(results_list)return results```According to our linear regression analysis, it appears that activities like Materials (involving the extraction of substances for various purposes), Food Processing (which includes food transformation and preservation), and Food Growth & Collection (encompassing activities related to edible organic matter) exhibit the most pronounced negative relationships with GDP per capita. Specifically, the β coefficients for these activities are -6.21, -2.86, and -1.03, respectively, with all associated p-values falling below the 0.05 threshold. Conversely, we observe the most robust positive relationships with GDP per capita in the case of Active Recreation (involving activities with elevated metabolic activity), Infrastructure (associated with the construction and maintenance of transportation and communication structures), and Waste Management (pertaining to the handling of waste and by-products outside of inhabited areas). These activities exhibit β coefficients of 2.1, 12.17, and 25.17, respectively, with all corresponding p-values falling below the 0.05 significance level.```{python}#| tags: []( get_linear_regression_table( df, outcome_variable="gdp_per_population_log", independent_variable="hoursPerDayCombined", category="Subcategory", covariate=None, ) .assign(unique_subcategory=lambda df: df.unique_subcategory.str.replace("_", " ")) .sort_values(["β", "p_value"]) .style.format(precision=3, thousands=",", decimal=".") .applymap(lambda value: "color: red; font-weight:bold"if (value <=0.05) elseNone, subset=["p_value"] ) .background_gradient(cmap="viridis", axis=0, subset="β"))```Although the existing analysis provides valuable insights, we can enhance our understanding further by building a model that considers both regions and different subcategories simultaneously. To achieve this, we'll re-run our regression model with 'gdp_per_population_log' as the outcome variable and 'hoursPerDayCombined' as the independent variable. The 'region_code' will serve as a categorical variable, with Western Europe set as the reference level. Additionally, 'Subcategory' will also be treated as a categorical variable, with 'Passive Activities' chosen as the reference level. This approach will help us determine whether the hours spent on various activities exhibit any discernible relationship with GDP per capita. As evident from the table below, none of the coefficients associated with the various subcategories showed significant differences compared to zero. This suggests that these subcategories do not exert a substantial effect on 'gdp_per_population_log.' Additionally, the β coefficient for 'hoursPerDayCombined' was also not statistically distinct from zero.Conversely, when considering the impact of regions, we observe a substantial influence on the correlation. Most regions exhibit negative coefficients in comparison to Western Europe. The exceptions to this trend are North America, New Zealand, and Australia, where the corresponding p-values exceeded 0.05. These findings suggest that the region indeed plays a significant role in the correlation with 'gdp_per_population_log.'```{python}#| tags: []res = smf.ols("""gdp_per_population_log ~ hoursPerDayCombined+ C(region_code, Treatment(reference='EU_W')) + C(Subcategory, Treatment(reference='Passive')) """, data=df,).fit(disp=0)res.summary2().tables[1]( res.summary2() .tables[1] .style.format(precision=3, thousands=",", decimal=".") .applymap(lambda value: "color: red; font-weight:bold"if (value <=0.05) elseNone, subset=["P>|t|"] ) .background_gradient(cmap="viridis", axis=0, subset="Coef."))```## Regression diagnosticNext, we'll perform some diagnostic procedures for our regression model. These diagnostics will serve the purpose of evaluating how well our model aligns with its underlying assumptions. This step is crucial for ensuring the reliability and validity of our regression analysis. As depicted in @fig-fig4, our residuals exhibit a relatively normal distribution. While there are a few data points that may have contributed to some erroneous predictions, we have opted to maintain the current state of the analysis as the results appear reasonable.```{python}#| fig-cap: Regression diagnostic#| label: fig-fig4# Create a histogram plot of residualshist_plot = res.resid.to_frame(name="residuals").pipe(lambda df: ggplot(df, aes("residuals"))+ geom_histogram(bins=15)+ labs( title="Histogram of Residuals", )+ theme(plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold")))# Create a residuals plotresiduals_plot = ( res.resid.to_frame(name="residuals") .reset_index() # Reset the index for plotting .pipe(lambda df: ggplot(df, aes("index", "residuals"))+ geom_point(size=5, alpha=0.05) # Plot residuals as points+ labs( title="Residuals", # Title for the residuals plot )+ theme( plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold") # Customize title appearance ) ))# Create a Q-Q plot of residualsqqplot = res.resid.to_frame(name="residuals").pipe(lambda df: qq_plot(data=df, sample="residuals", size=5, alpha=0.05)+ labs( title="Q-Q Plot", )+ theme(plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold")))# Create a fit plot comparing predicted values and log(GDP per population)fit_plot = ( pd.concat([res.fittedvalues, df.gdp_per_population_log], axis=1) .rename( columns={0: "Predicted value","gdp_per_population_log": "log(GDP per population)", } ) .pipe(lambda df: ggplot(df, aes("Predicted value", "log(GDP per population)"))+ geom_point(size=5, alpha=0.05)+ labs( title="Fit Plot", )+ theme(plot_title=element_text(size=15, face="bold"))+ geom_abline(slope=1, size=1, linetype="dashed", color="red") ))# Combine the three plots into a grid with two columns(gggrid([hist_plot, residuals_plot, qqplot, fit_plot], ncol=2) + ggsize(800, 600))```And there you have it, folks! We hope you've found this week's exploration insightful. Happy coding to all, and I look forward to seeing you next week for more exciting discoveries and learning opportunities. Until then, stay curious and keep exploring! 👩💻👨💻